Sunday, October 05, 2008

Migration is almost complete... Ubuntu rocks

Last fews weeks were very hectic and I got very little time to migrate my stuff from old laptop to the new. Finally, I completed my migration today and highlights of this exercise are:
  1. Reducing the size of pre-installed windows partition was easy with QTParted. Windows XPs inbuilt disk manager was not helpful at all.
  2. Ubuntu Hardy Heron 8.04 installed like a breeze. No issues whatsoever.
  3. Dualhead monitor support is also working now thanks to this post
  4. VirtualBox allows me to run XP op top of Ubuntu. one of my legacy windows based application works smoothly on the same. At times, using VirtualBox and dualhead feature, I make presentations to people whithout them realising that I am running XP in a virtualised environment.
  5. Fingerprint reader works fine on Ubuntu. (Not only can I swipe my finger to login using GUI login page, it also works on command line. I am using ThinkFinger)
  6. Gnomad2 works with Creative Zen Vision M like a breeze.
  7. J-Pilot syncs with my Treo 700p

Things that could have been better are:
  1. Lenovo rescue and recovery CDs for my X61 laptop do not allow me to install in the virtualised environment. I wish it worked .
  2. X61 has an integrated graphics card. Moving from and SVGA (1440x 1024) 14.1" to a XGA (1024 x 768) 12.1" screen is stressful. Firstly I miss the screen real-estate that I earlier had. Second, display of letters (esp. on terminal and midnight commander- mc) is not as smooth as it used to be. It will take me some time to get used to it.
Overall..... I am loving it !!!

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